So many were ministered to and received the gospel truth. There were 3,000 to 4,000 in attendance during the nightly meetings. God sent us an angel with donation for 200 bibles in Neur for the new converts to read in their local language.
A specially gifted team of evangelists came to Mto wa Mbu and covered the place with volunteers to identify those who were hungry for gospel truth. The team led by Pr Jacob Ngussa went to the neighborhoods making friends and identifying spiritual questions of importance. They found there was a great hunger in the community to hear precious bible truths. As they worked through the small city, the four local Adventist churches worked together to support the evangelistic crusade.
The Holy Spirit led everyone that came to the meetings, from the staff to those sitting in the pews. The meetings were held in tents but the tents were not enough so some enjoyed the meetings in the sun or under a shady tree. In all over 600 chose to give their hearts to Jesus Christ and declared their faith in baptism. God sent resources to Potter's Brick by Brick and purchased almost 500 bibles to support the young Chrisitians in their new found life.
The work still continues in Mto wa Mbu to visit and minister to those who attended the meetings but for some reason were yet to make sure their election of Christ. May God continue to bless His work!
When God sends precious resources for His work, we at Potter’s Brick by Brick want those resources to stretch as far as possible for His glory. One of the arms of our ministry is to provide seats (plastic chairs) to congregations that would otherwise be unable to afford them. Usually these are young congregations out in hard to reach areas. In 2021 an unusual request came from an established but small congregation in Bogesia SDA, Kuria, Kenya. Their sanctuary building was old and in need of repair though they still worshiped in it. Their pews that broke were patched up and if they broke again were not replaced. The people in the area would go further to a church that was more vibrant and looked better. Their membership and attendance had dwindled to about twenty and things were bleak. God sent their request to us for seats.
When we were able to fill the request, the Bogesia church received them with gratitude and the rest could only be God at work! From the hundred chairs that were sent, there appeared to be a large surplus but God has special plans for His children. Those who would otherwise go past Bogesia got curious as to what was going on with the new seats and they came to see. By the end of the first month attendance was over 100. Those who came realized the other needs in the church and began to serve and the revival was underway. Within a year the church at Bogesia was a vibrant congregation ministering to their community and winning many for God, one soul at a time.
Machakos, Kenya - March 2025 - preparations began with training the congregations of Plainsview SDA and neighboring churches. They are currently active with bible studies in public meetings in March.
Buliashi, Tanzania - May 2025 - Preparations are underway doing visitations and bible studies in the village homes.
When God sends precious resources for His work, we at Potter’s Brick by Brick want those resources to stretch as far as possible for His glory. One of the arms of our ministry is to provide seats (plastic chairs) to congregations that would otherwise be unable to afford them. So we shopped for the best prices for the seats and for shipping to get the seats to the desired location.
One peculiar request was to deliver the chairs to a girls boarding school where the Adventists students had a place to worship but no furniture. During worship hours they would have to carry their chairs across campus or sit on the floor. When the order was placed, the owner of the store was quite intrigued and asked to meet with Pr John. The conversation went like so:
Pr John, “Good afternoon!”
Owner, “Good afternoon. You order chairs from us fairly regularly, thank you! People who buy chairs have us deliver to their store. But why do you ask us to deliver at different places every time?”
“Yes, we are a ministry so we buy and donate chairs which go to different places where there is a need”
“Oh really, so why is your latest order to a school?”
“We have some worshipers who are students in the school so this will help their chapel which currently has no chairs.”
“Oh, wow”
This conversation was an avenue through which God would deliver on other blessings to His children. The first blessing from this was that he called and gave a discount on our the order giving us a rebate. God is so good!
Pr John used the rebate by paying school fees for a bright student in the school whose family was unable to raise her tuition. God’s blessing surely keep on giving, this is the second blessing! When Pr John sent the receipt to Patel, he was so amazed to see Christian ministry in action he wanted to be part of the blessings from God.
Sharing Gospel Literature
Accepting Christ is only the beginning of a wonderful spiritual journey. We give new believers a bible in their language to enrich their Christian walk. Also provide bible study aids for continuous spiritual nourishment.
Supporting Bible Workers
Bible workers are an integral part of church growth and nurture where pastors are few. We find bible workers who are conversant in local language and norms in order to win souls in a particular area to help with outreach and nurture of new believers.
Equipping Local Churches
An impactful part of our ministry is supporting young congregations with seats. This allows the members to invite their friends or strangers, knowing they will be comfortable when they hear the Holy Spirit's teachings.
Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV): "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them..."
Chairs for Growing Churches
In 2023, Potters Brick by Brick gave nearly 400 chairs in 2023 to newly created congregation like this one in Zaini, Kenya.
Supporting Bible Workers
The bible workers dedicate their lives and prioritize winning souls for God’s kingdom in their area of work. We find converted poeple local to the area they work so they know the language and the culture.
Donating Bibles & Books
What a blessing to have the word of God in the language that you understand best. For $8 - $10 we get a bible in the local language to those who would otherwise not afford one for themselves.
... into all the world ...
In 2015, Potters Brick by Brick began helping small congregations in hardship areas and who could use the help. This ranged from assisting in evangelism or putting up worship buildings, donating chairs or tents, and bibles to assist in their ministry.
The gospel is spreading in leaps of more than 600 baptisms per quarter! We just joined the bandwagon and offered to donate bibles in Kiswahili. In 2024 we supported the baptisms with 327 bibles in Mto wa Mbu--hardly enough for those young souls. We had to limit to one per family.
We got an invitation to join the work there but we only overcam logistic challenges in 2024! We began in Hiawasa with a case of bibles in Tigrey. What bright smiles of grattitude on those who received.
2 Corinthians 5:7: For we walk by faith, not by sight.
We are about supporting the work of spreading the Gospel and helping Churches to grow and nurture God’s Children. We are obeying the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and trust that Jehovah will send resources through His children to reach those in need of Gospel truth or spiritual revival.